Firstly i would like to thank you for visiting my personal webpage. I hope this blog will be a great benefit to you guys out there. Just a little bit about myself. Playing soccer and badminton is my forte. I'm actually in one of the school's soccer team, MTN (Mechatronics). Last semester, i took the NAPFA test in school. My initial aim is to get the Gold award. However, i only managed to obtain Silver because i'm 2 seconds late for the 2.4km Run. Haha. Currently, I'm still training to prepare myself for the next test. So yeah, back to the topic, i've actually came across this short clip. In my opinion, it is important to take note of this before beginning any routines/exercises. Enjoy!
Additional Tips:
- Drink plenty of water the night before exercising.
- If you feel lazy/restless to exercise, put on your workout clothes and shoes straight away. As the chances of you backing out is low.